Trevor started taking transport photographs around the UK in 1948
and by 1953 had started to widen his sphere of interest to include Continental Europe, with
a particular emphasis on Spain. Here and elsewhere the photographs were mainly of railways
but buses, trolleybuses, and trams feature also, particularly the latter.
Once he took up the supervisory job in the cargo section at Gatwick, his horizons expanded
once more, with 3 trips to South America during 1967 & 1968, the first in the company
of his brother Lyndon, who died some years ago. Subsequent travels took him to most parts
of the world, with the exception of Australasia; whilst he continued to photographs heritage
railways in this country along with miniature ones, buses etc.
These activities came to an
end due to failing sight early this century.Trevor was the author of a number of books including
'Railway Holiday in Spain' published by David & Charles; 'The Narrow Gauge Railways of Spain'
published in two volumes by Plateway Press; and 'The Railways of South America' published by
Locomotives International. In addition he wrote articles for magazines in earlier times and contributed
photographs for publication in books & and magazines virtually up to the time of his death.
D.Trevor Rowe : 17/12/1929 - 28/02/2015
Trevor Rowe was born and lived in St. Leonards before being evacuated to Chester during the war, later moving back south to live in Gravesend. He first worked in London for the British Council, then the BBC, before taking a job with what became British Caledonian at Gatwick in the latter half of the 1960s and moving to Horley. He lived here for the remainder of his life with his wife Mary who he married on 16/3/1968 and they were blessed with two sons and a daughter. Following BCals merger with British Airways in the 1980s, Trevor once again took a job in London, this time with The Camping and Caravanning Club.

Finally to illustrate his lifelong interest in railways and locomotives; and his early connections with the Hastings line and the locomotives that worked it, a certificate presented to Trevor in 2001 is shown below.

Ex SR V class 4-4-0 number 30920 'Rugby' heads the 3.30pm Hastings to Charing Cross express away from West St Leonards - 20/08/1955. Photo Trevor Rowe