A personal tribute by Maurice Burns
They say it is good for men to have outside interests or a hobby but, for Dave, steam railways was rather more than an absorbing hobby - they were a passion! He not only had a model train layout in the garage (plus extension) but wanted to go out and photograph the last workings of the steam locomotive in any part of the world.
His worldwide trips had no limit and included most of Europe but also far flung outposts of Pakistan, India, Burma, South Africa and China - the latter being the last outpost of steam in the world and which he visited no less than 14 times! How he obtained the travel pass from his wife, Jill, was the envy of enthusiasts worldwide! Dave was a very lucky man having the support of Jill in pursuit of his hobby, and she did actually join him on some of the more upmarket adventures in Europe, as well as Burma and Sri Lanka. Given that she really enjoyed these trips, one must surmise that she also had a soft spot for steam, especially engines with red wheels!
Visiting such faraway places allowed Dave to show off his football skills and on one South African tour, in a match between the train staff and the photographers Dave scored the winning goal with a 25 yard thunderbolt!!
Like many enthusiasts Dave wanted the steam age to last for ever and was prepared to get his hands dirty and do something about it. In the early 1980s he joined NELPG (North Eastern Locomotive Preservation Group) and, whilst he had no engineering background, all the other members soon realised he was enthusiastic, a team player and great company!
He helped rebuild many steam locomotives, but his favourite was always "Blue Peter" which was restored at ICI entirely by NELPG volunteers. Dave would travel with Bernie Lyth, Brian Nunn and Dave Donagan from Hartlepool to ICI in all weathers and Dave’s number of attendances was one of the highest with 400 visits.
Part of the reward for this effort was riding on the footplate – a dream for any enthusiast – be it on "Blue Peter" or the "K1" from Fort William on the Road to the Isles. In later years Dave also took on responsible roles as a Board member of the NELPG and was forthright, in always standing up for what he believed was right.
Dave also had a keen interest in the local history of Hartlepool and, as his knowledge increased, he put it all down in print, publishing a limited edition book on the local area. What a shame that it didn't reach a wider audience.
In recent years with regular steam over both Shap and the Settle to Carlisle line, Dave and friends would have photographic days out in the Pennines. Terry Newman, Ted Parker, Brian Nunn and Peter Robinson made up the team that resembled the TV series "Last of the Summer wine! Most would go for a social day out, but not Dave! When making the arrangements on the phone, his comments were legendary. "I’ll go if the forecast is good" – Dave wanted wall to wall sunshine! Then he would check which engine is running? “It has to be horses for courses”. This had nothing to do with horse racing, but that LNER engines had to be on LNER track and LMS likewise.
Sometimes, on these outings, funny things would happen. One day Dave got a real surprise on Shap with a horse, as he was standing in a field alone looking in the distance for the silver thread of the steam engine exhaust. What Dave did not know, but the others spotted, was a very large horse in the same field. The horse was incredibly lonely and wanted company. As the horse slowly walked up behind him, Dave began to hear some heavy breathing, and turned round for the shock of his life!
NELPG in paricular, believe the steam and railway preservation movement owe Dave an immense amount of gratitude for all he did over nearly 40 years. Without those who are prepared to "muck-in" to keep steam locomotives doing what they have done for almost two centuries, none of what has been achieved in the UK would have been possible.
Below is a selection of Dave's photographic exploits, taking him to many different countries around the world, recording the remaining steam activity during the latter years of the 20th century.

Right : An unidentified QJ class 2-10-2 works a freight train on the Miyun to Chengde line, China, on 18 Jan 1994.

Right : In a scene highlighting the need for action against climate change, YJ class 2-6-2 number 179 shunts two slag wagons at Baotou steelworks, China, on 11 Dec 1992.

Right : Industrial steam in action at Apex Greenside Colliery, South Africa, with NB19063 of 1909 a 4-8-0, colliery number 3 (ex SAR class 1A number 1301) shunting the yard with a loaded coal train on 7 May 1979.

Right : With a dramatic mountain backdrop HGS class 2-8-0 number 2186 works a mixed train near Bostan on the Chaman to Quetta line, Pakistan, on 28 Mar 1983.

Right : B51 class 4-4-0 number 38 works a short mixed train on the Labuan to Rangkasbitung line, Java, on 11 Jun 1981

Right : Class 56 2-10-0 number 56152 built by Skoda, with a train being loaded with stone at Bozdag, Turkey, on 17 Jun 1984.

Right : Class 50 2-10-0 number 3552 runs past the semaphore signals at Wernigerode, East Germany, with a freight train on 4 Mar 1987.