New frameworks added for Pakistan and Paraguay.
Country page for Norway added with supporting photos.
Fully updated photo gallery and page content for the United Kingdom, Great Western Lines, Cheltenham Branch article.
New frameworks added for Mozambique and New Zealand.
New gallery added for the Erzbergbahn in Austria.
Country page for Swaziland, now Eswatini added with supporting photos.
New gallery added for the Achenseebahn in Austria.
Country page for Lebanon added with supporting photos.
New framework added for Mexico.
Heads of the Valleys gallery added to LMS Lost Lines section with supporting photos.
Country page for Morocco added with supporting photos.
New frameworks added for those countries with names starting between I & K where we have images available that are not yet on display, to indicate paths for future developments.
Country section for Angola completed.
New New frameworks added to the Indian section to cover Indian Railways after nationaliation, to inicate paths for future developments.
New New frameworks added for those countries with names starting between A & H where we have images available that are not yet on display, to indicate paths for future developments.
New pages added to the UK Railways Lost Lines of Britain covering the Hayling Island branch along with relevant photograhs and historical documents.
New pages added to the UK Railways Lost Lines of Britain covering the Withered Arm along with relevant photograhs and historical documents.
Tribute pages for Mike Squire and Chas Adams added to the Photographers section.
Tribute pages for Paul Claxton and Mike Collins added to the Photographers section.
Country page for Sudan added with supporting photos.
Country page for Nigeria added with supporting photos.
Country section for Ghana added with supporting photos.
Country section for Mauritius added with supporting photos.
A gallery covering both Cote D'Ivoire & Burkina Faso added with supporting photos.
A gallery covering both Benin & Togo added with supporting photos.
A dedicated page added for the Waverley route along with relevant photographs and historical documents added to the UK Lost Lines galleries. This also includes the Langholm Branch & the former North British/North Eastern route through to Tweedmouth.
Country section for Ethiopia added with supporting photos.
Country section for Madagascar/Malagasy added with supporting photos.
Tribute to Barry Buckfield added to the Photographers section.
9 pictures added to the Cameroon gallery, 20 to Eritrea, and 6 to Sierra Leone.
Updated tribute page for photographer David Rodgers, including a tour listing for Steam Loco Safari Tours and 15 photos.
39 pictures added to the Douro Valley NG lines galleries in Portugal. 3 to the Tamega, 11 to the Corgo, 3 to the Tua, 13 to the Bragança extension, and 9 to the Sabor
29 pictures added to the Porto NG lines gallery in Portugal.
23 pictures, taken in the 1960s, added to the Eritrean gallery.
31 pictures added to the Greek galleries - 4 to SG, 10 to SPAP & 17 to TNG.
9 pictures added to the Sierra Leone gallery.
25 pictures added to the Vouga lines gallery in Portugal.
8 pictures added to the Cameroon gallery.
61 pictures added to the Douro Valley gallery in Portugal which has been split into two.
9 pictures added to the CP - South of Porto gallery in Portugal.
Tribute to Dave Rodgers added to the Photographers section.
31 pictures added to the Minho line gallery in Portugal..
Tribute to Jeremy Wiseman added to the Photographers section.
24 pictures added to the Greek section on standard gauge lines, 29 added to the Thessaly Railways section and 37 to the SPAP lines.
24 Peter Skelton pictures added to the China railways page.
A dedicated page added for the Somerset and Dorset system along with relevant photographs and historical documents added to the Lost Lines galleries.
New pages added for UK Railways with a section covering Lost Lines of Britain. A dedicated page added for the Gloucester to Hereford line along with relevant photograhs and historical documents. A dedicated page added for the Cromford And High Peak Railway along with supporting photographs.
Country page for Finland added with supporting photos.
Country page for Eritrea added with supporting photos.
Tribute to Malcolm Ranieri added to the Photographers section.
Tribute to Peter Skelton added to the Photographers section.
Tribute to Dave Whitfield added to the Photographers section.
Portuguese captions have been added to the Douro line gallery in the Portuguese main lines section.
Portuguese captions and 11 pictures have been added to the Minho line gallery in the Portuguese main lines section.
182 pictures have been added to the CP main lines - Douro line gallery.
Portuguese captions have been added to the South of Porto gallery in the Portuguese main lines section.
Portuguese captions have been added to the broad gauge locomotives gallery in the Portuguese locomotives section.
89 pictures have been added to the CP main lines - Minho line gallery.
Portuguese captions have been added to the narrow gauge locomotives gallery in the Portuguese locomotives section.
Portuguese captions have been added to the minas de São Domingos gallery in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
Portuguese captions have been added to the Vouga system in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
111 pictures have been added to the CP main lines - south of the Douro gallery.
8 pictures have been added to the narrow gauge gauge locomotives gallery.
Portuguese captions have been added to the Tua line gallery, the upper section to Bragança, in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
12 pictures have been added to the broad gauge locomotives gallery.
52 pictures have been added to the Vouga system gallery in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
Portuguese captions have been added to the Tua line gallery, the lower section to Mirandela, in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
17 pictures have been added to the Tamega line gallery in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
8 pictures have been added to the São Domingos Copper Mine gallery in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
72 pictures have been added to the Tua line Braganca extension gallery in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
34 pictures have been added to the Sabor line gallery in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
60 pictures have been added to the Tua line gallery, the lower section to Mirandela, in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
61 pictures have been added to the Porto system gallery in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
53 pictures have been added to the Corgo line gallery in the Portuguese narrow gauge section.
A gallery covering the CFL & tram systems has been added to the Luxembourg section.
A couple of pictures have been added to the SNCB gallery in the Belgium section.
A gallery covering the South Indian Railway has been added to the India section.
A gallery covering the North Western Railway has been added to the India section.
A gallery for the Madras & Southern Mahratta and the Nizams State Railway has been added to the India section.
Pictures of the Jodhpur Railway added to the Bengal & North Western Railway gallery in the India section.
A gallery covering the Great Indian Peninsula Railway has been added to the India section.
A gallery covering the East Indian Railway has been added to the India section.
A gallery covering the Eastern Bengal Railway and the Assam-Bengal Railway has been added to the India section.
A gallery covering the Bombay, Baroda & Central India Railway has been added to the India section.
A gallery covering the Bengal & North Western Railway has been added to the India section.
A gallery for the railways of India has been added with the first section covering the Bengal Nagpur Railway.
A gallery for the railways of Sri Lanka has been added.
A gallery for the railways of Sierra Leone has been added.
The gallery for the railways of Nepal has been updated.
A gallery for the railways of Burma (Myanmar) has been added.
A gallery for the railways of Malaysia has been added.
A gallery for the railways of Egypt has been added.
A gallery for the railways of Costa Rica has been added.
A new gallery added to the Chile section covering the Red Sur system south of Santiago and other lines in the area.
3 pictures added to the Chile - FCAB gallery and a large expansion of the north of Chile gallery.
13 pictures added to the Guatemala gallery.
A gallery for the railways of Cambodia has been added.
A gallery for the railways of Colombia has been added.
Three new galleries added to the Argentina section covering the Belgrano and Urquiza systems plus one on broad gauge lines in the country.
Photographs added to Bolivian galleries on FCAB and FCGLP and a new gallery added to Chile on lines north of Santiago which is work in progress.
Obituary added for Gerald Dixon in the photographers section.
A postscript has been added to the obituary for Richard Chandler (Dick Weisham) in the photographers section.
Galleries covering the railways of Bolivia have been added, including one displaying a set of drawings of locomotives, coaches, & wagons used by the FC de Antofasta a Bolivia.
A couple of shots have been added to both the FC Transandino Argentino and the FCAB gallery in Chile, one to each of the RFIRT in Argentina, the Oeste locomotives in Spain and the home page. More significant additions have been made to Nitrate Eailways in Chile and the gallery for Guatemala.
A gallery covering the FC Transandino Argentino has been added.
Additions have been made to the FCAB gallery in Chile and new ones added here covering the FC Transandino Chile and The Nitrate Railways Company.
Three galleries of UK first generation tram pictures added in the UK section. Direct link
A page showing drawings of Sul e Sueste 2-2-2 number has been added to the Portuguese section.
Obituary for Trevor Rowe added.A new gallery covering the FC Antofagasta - Bolivia in Chile added formed of pictures of a line construction project in the 1950s.
A new picture added to the home page - a railway with a currently topical name although the locomotive crew are not dressed in red costumes.
A new gallery covering logging and sugar cane systems in the Philippines added
A new gallery covering the railways & tramways of Bulgaria added
A new folder has been created in the UK galleries titled New Receipts that displays images from a batch of glass plates that came without any details regarding subject matter. So any help that can be given regarding locations etc. would be greatly appreciated.
Additions have been made to the galleries of Spanish locomotive types for the MZA; Andaluces and Central of Aragon; Norte;Oeste along with other smaller companies; and RENFE.
Additions have been made to the galleries for China and Nepal; and to 3 of the Turkish galleries also - Ottoman Railway, Zonguldak line, and instrial locomotives.
Obituary for Colin Martindale added.
A new gallery for the main line through Ankara added to the Turkish section plus 3 extra pictures in the Ottoman Railway Additional photographs added to the Guatemala and Nepal sections, plus 12 more pictures over 3 of the Greek galleries.Photographs in Cuba by Chris Walker added
A new photograph taken in Sweden in 1960 added to the Home page
Obituary for Chris Walker added
New galleries have been set up for Argentina, Cuba & Guatemala and changes made to the Home page; along with a new page giving some details regarding sources of information.
Portugal - the Corgo line gallery now has captions available in Portuguese. An obituary for Richard Chandler (Dick Weisham) has been added to the photographers section and some of his photographs have been set up in a new gallery for China
Portugal - 3 of the narrow gauge galleries now have captions available in Portuguese. There have been small additions to the Porto area, Vouga & Dão lines, and the Mina de São Domingos galleries.
France - a small number of PO Correze & Reseau Breton pictures added to the French narrow gauge gallery.
Portugal - Porto metre gauge lines gallery greatly expanded, Sabor line gallery also, a new Tamega line gallery added, both sections of the Tua line have been significantly enlarged as has the gallery covering the Vouga & Dão lines.Finally a new small gallery has been added covering the Mina de São Domingos.
Portugal - Corgo line gallery greatly expanded
An appeal for funding to build & equip a new library for the trust added.
The galleries for Greece have been significantly enlarged, with a new one covering motive power types and the former narrow gauge one split into two; one covering Thessaly Railways and the other the Piraeus, Athens & Peloponnese. A new page has also been added to the Museums section regarding the restored signal box in Toddington yard.
The galleries for Spanish locomotive types have now been slightly extended with two types added to the MZA gallery and four to the Oeste.
The galleries for Spain have now been greatly expanded with some 350 pictures now added and the single gallery previously displaying pictures of locomotives at work now split into 5 seperate ones, 2 each covering broad gauge routes and narrow gauge lines, plus one covering locomotives in industry. A fair number of tram pictures have also been added. Problems displaying image files in some of the existing galleries covering covering Portugal, Spain & Turkey have also been corrected.
New pictures have been added to the French & Greek galleries but these will only be visible to anyone using the latest version of the site. If you have entered the site through the Home page you will not have a problem but if you are using a stored bookmark to a subsidiary page this is likely to take to you to one of the html pages that have been superceded. Please delete any old bookmark such as this and rebookmark using the new home page or a subsidiary page linked to this similarly suffixed 'php'
Drop down menus have now been introduced as standard on all pages on the site. Please see the note below regarding problems that might be encountered with older browsers
Drop down menus have now been introduced at the top of this & the Home page which will become standard on all pages as they are modified in future, now that the latest version of Internet Explorer (8) can manage these without requiring browser specific modifications to the HTML coding. This does however mean that those of you using older versions of IE and other older non standards compliant browsers will only see the top level solid bar below the page heading, that will not expand when the mouse hovers over it, leaving remaining options in the drop down bars hidden. However for the present any page where these changes are introduced will still retain a full range of old style menu buttons at the bottom
Calendar of monthly meetings in Stratford updated for 2009/10 season.
First batch of records set up in a new on-line catalogue of photographs.
Calendar of monthly meetings in Stratford updated.
Complete rewrite of the site to improve layout, formatting and to provide a more flexible platform for future development. Some colour images have replaced black & white in the Industrial galleries covering Belgium, Luxembourg & the Netherlands and some extra pictures have been added; along with some trams in Belgium & the Netherlands; plus some additional industrial locomotives in Turkey. Significant additions have been made to the Greek & Portuguese sections and a small new gallery set up for Cameroon.
Photo galleries added for the locomotives of MZA, Norte, & RENFE, the minor railways & industrial systems of Spain. Also the locomotives of the CP in Portugal both 1668mm & metre gauge, plus a few industrial steam locomotives
Photo galleries added for the locomotives of the Andaluces, Oeste & smaller constituents of the RENFE
Two photographs added to the French standard gauge gallery, one to the Belgian, and a Gent tram to the the Other Tram systems. A start made on expanding the Spanish gallery.
More photographs added to the Belgian & French galleries with 3 more of Brussels trams to the Trams gallery. Meetings programme in Stratford updated
Industrial systems galleries added for the Benelux countries
Pages added to French standard gauge & additions to gallery
10 photographs added to French metre gauge gallery
Tram Systems gallery greatly enlarged
Photo galleries added for the Benelux countries and miscellaneous tram systems
Photo gallery on Nepal added
Iraq photo galleries & photographers tribute pages added
Two Turkish photo galleries added
Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway history added
Photo gallery covering Greece added
Photo gallery covering France added
Archiving Licence agreement added