The vast majority of pictures in the following pages were taken in the Minho & Douro division of the Caminhos do Ferro Portugueses for the simple reason that this is where steam locomotive operations lasted the longest and these were the main interest for UK based photographers visiting in the 1960s & 1970s. The balance will be rectified to some degree as pictures of more modern forms of motive power are added.

One of the rails in the Douro line east of Tua in 1974 rolled by The Moss Bay
Hematite Iron and Steel Company Limited at Workington.
Photo Tony Bowles
The gallery on the Douro valley line covers that line east of Ermesinde whilst that on the Minho covers all remaining broad gauge lines north of the Douro. The third gallery then deals with the remainder of the country south from Vila Nova de Gaia but still contains the fewest pictures