The Stratford to Cheltenham Line : 1904 - 1979
All slides in this presentation relate to the history of the Stratford to Cheltenham route prior to any preservation activity taking place upon it. There are a few shots on the unrestored section owned by the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway but the vast majority of the scenes relate to the years 1908 to 1976 when the line was a through route on the national network. Supported by maps and a commentary the show follows the line south from Stratford with brief diversions along the way to Straford Old Town, Honeybourne South Loop & station, and Cheltenham Spa St James. There are some black & white pictures from earlier years around Stratford and at many of the stations along the line with the remainder consisting of colour slides of both steam and diesel operated trains along the route during the 1960s & 1970s
A small selection of pictures from this show