
Ex Mersey Railway 0-6-4T number 1, built by Beyer Peacock (2601/1885), stands out of use in the yard of
J & A Brown at Hexham NSW in April 1973. It was one of several sold to the company following electrificaion
of the line in Liverpool and this one survives in the museum at Thirlmere. Photo Basil Roberts

The states in mainland Australia adopted differing railway gauges with only New South Wales, initially, using standard gauge, with Queensland, Western Australia, & parts of South Australia using 3ft 6in. Victoria & the rest of South Australia used 5ft 3in but in later years standard gauge spread more widely with the completion of the Indian Pacific route & then that from Adelaide to Darwtn.
Due to the limited material available, pictures in Queensland will be added to the New South Wales gallery and those on the Daewin line to South Australia.



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